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Donna Cutler-Landsman is an educational consultant who advocates on behalf of students and young adults with VCFS both in the U.S. and abroad.  She regularly works with school districts to craft individualized program that best meet the needs of VCFS students. In addition, she has counseled many families on issues surrounding transition and the movement to independence and adulthood. She a retired teacher with 36 years of classroom experience, teaching students from kindergarten through 8th grade. She has experience both with children who have special needs and as an advisor for students who are gifted and talented. Donna completed her undergraduate and master's degrees at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, in Curriculum and Instruction and Counseling Psychology. She has worked with the University of Wisconsin in Madison as a cooperating teacher for over 15 years. Donna has spoken on educational issues related to VCFS for the past 20 years both in the US and around the world.  She has produced several teacher training webinars on VCFS as well as written numerous articles and a comprehensive book on the syndrome entitled, Educating Children with Velo Cardio Facial Syndrome, now in its second edition.   Donna has served as past president and regional director for the Velo Cardio Facial Syndrome Educational Foundation, is currently a board member for the 22q11 International Foundation, and is the proud parent of a 30 year old son with the deletion.  For more information about Donna, visit her website at

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